Archive of: News
The travels of Maisie
20 May 2016
Maisie chillaxing in the New Forest before heading out to the Cheddar Gorge area.
The Travels of Harry
13 April 2016
Harry will be attending the Just Kampers Open day on 11th June. We will be there as a trader showing off the latest camper available...
The travels of Maisie
11 April 2016
Maisie is starting to get about, this is outside the Lego shop in Cirencester.
The travels of Maisie
06 April 2016
Maisie has recently been down to the New Forest, making the most of the warm weather.
The new awning
30 March 2016
The new airframe awnings have been out and tested. Shown here in the Cotswolds with the other one on test in Norfolk - both stood...
The travels of Maisie
30 March 2016
Maisie has been out to the Cotswolds over Easter. Sunshine, rain and storms have made for an interesting trip but we have been advised that...
The travels of Maisie
25 March 2016
Maisie has packed her bag & is off to the Cotswolds - her first trip of the year
Meet Maisie
25 February 2016
This cute little sock monkey is Maisie and she will be travelling with the Sportcamper this year. As she goes out on her adventures we...
New equipment
19 February 2016
We are always looking for ways to make your camping experience easier so we have now invested in air beam awnings for both of the...
New Premises
16 September 2015
We have just taken over a small unit so that we can work on the next camper over winter and have a clean and dry...
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